Breast pain

Breast pain, also referred to as mastalgia, can be divided into two categories; cyclical (related to menstrual cycle) and non-cyclical (not related to menstruation). Breast pain is usually not associated with breast cancer

Cyclical Mastalgia

Non-cyclical mastalgia

Breast lump

It is not unusual to have a breast lump, particularly in young age. The majority of breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous) as opposed to malignant (cancerous). If you do find a breast lump it is still important to see your doctor.

Main causes

When seen in the breast clinic you will be asked a number of questions which will be followed by an examination of the breasts and armpits. The specialist doctor will then decide what, if any, tests are required following this.

If a lump is found a core biopsy will be carried out whereby a small quantity of cells from the breast lump are obtained by inserting needle into the lump. This will then be sent off to the lab to be looked under the microscopy by a specialist doctor, called a pathologist.

Nipple discharge